About Me

I am a teacher in Game Art at Graphic Lyceum Rotterdam. Mostly, I use 3D Studio Max, Photoshop and Unreal Developers Kit. Since teaching takes quite some time, I prefer to create props. It takes less time to get results. On this blog you can find some of my models. I hope to add screenshots of levels soon too.

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Old stuff

Here is some old stuff I've worked on in the past.

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This is a test character I've made to play around with in Character Studio.

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These are some low-poly characters for in a game. (I never made the game.)

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I made these package designs for Draka Nederland. Both the boxes and the graphic design is mine. I used the above image to get approval. It worked.

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In the old days light leaks were a problem in game-engines. This lighthouse was completely optimesed to prevent leaks. Today, I would break it up in building blocks.

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Low Poly spacecraft

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I created this model for a class exercise in unwrapping. The model is inspired on Starwars concept art. It has only 1265 vertices. No moving parts this time. In a future class, we might create a normal map with Mudbox.

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Lights always work well in a picture. I should have made lights on the front as well.

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Testing for stretching, mirrored faces, seams and other optimalizations.

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The fun part: Photoshop. I used lots and lots of layer-styles.


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This was a little side project to keep me in shape. It's a spacecraft inspired by a stingray, hence the name. It's fully rigged, so the feet can open and close, there's a ladder at the back that can come out and the cockpit can open. Off course the blades rotate too. The whole spacecraft has a bit over 6000 vertices, including the inside of the cockpit with 5 chairs.

Product Design

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A few years ago Philips was checking out 3D Studio, to see if it could work for their design department. I gave them a basic course. I also modeled this iron, to show the possibilities. Since I studied Industrial Design, I just had to make the design myself. For inspiration I used an existing model, but I made it more masculine, I hope.

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I made these headphones to keep me busy. It's my own design.

Monday, 14 June 2010

Props for an English outdoor environment.

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My class had to created an little English village. Each student modeled and textured their own cottage. I placed them all in an UDK-level. I also created some props, to live up the scene. It's all very low-poly, because I knew the students would definitely go over budget.

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A bit redundant to point out, but these are the walls and the grass.
36 vertices for the grass isn't very little, but the model covers quite a big surface. Also, from all views it shows grass. Even the top-view.
The moss on the wall might seem a bit too green. I find it easier to desaturate colors, than to add them later on.
Both models for the wall are unique on every of it's 6 sides. This makes them stackable without showing tiling.

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Here you see the sheep. Only 873 vertices, but still enough to rig it. For now I only have a diffuse-map. I still have all the layers in Photoshop, so making specular and bump won't be that hard.